Sunday, May 1, 2011

Hippity Hoppity

Easter rolled around once again, and so did our customary Easter festivities. As we always do, we went to FUMC's Annual Easter Egg Hunt.

It makes me sad to know that there won't be too many more years when Sam is willing to have his picture made with the Easter Bunny :(

Ben was so proud of his spoils.......

Sam was picking up eggs like a mad man........

And when his basket was full, he went on to "Plan B".........

Notice the bulging pockets........ :)

Then, on Easter Sunday, we had our yearly Easter Egg Hunt at Mamaw's house....

The egg hunting started pretty well for Ben........


He found a frog!!!!

He then fixed up a very "special" egg for his Mamaw......


After his great find, he ditched his Easter basket for a "frog catching" bucket......

Every 5 year old boy's dream come true :).......

Sam, on the other hand, had a ball with his hunt, and thankfully had plenty of room in his basket and didn't have to resort to "plan B" :)



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